Daughter of Grace Ministry exists to bring spiritual and emotional healing to women through the loving, patient and grace-filled process found in the timeless principles of God’s Word. I understand that, with the goal of getting to the heart of the problem, there is sometimes the necessity of working alongside other professional disciplines. The ultimate purpose remains to encourage each of God’s daughters to become all that He has created them to be (Romans 8:28-29; Ephesians 2:10).

Why Biblical Counseling?

The most significant decision you will ever make, concerns your willingness to follow God’s plan for your life as revealed in the Bible.  

Biblical counseling is viewing and seeking to understand the problems we and others have from the practical perspective and wisdom found in God’s Word. It is looking to Scripture to define our problems and develop methods to solving and/or living with them.

Are you interested in talking to a biblical counselor or acquiring some training in biblical counseling? Click the link below for counseling contacts, resources, and information.

education & training

FaithWay Baptist College  /  Ypsilanti, MI 
Eastern Michigan University  /  Ypsilanti, MI

Pensacola Christian College  /  Pensacola, FL

Master’s University  / Santa Clarita, CA

Association of Certified Biblical Counselors


Melissa has 38 years of educational teaching experience, mainly at the high school and college levels, and over forty years working in women’s ministry.

Doctrinal Statement

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

– C.S. Lewis


Continuing credits, Board of Advisors, and Mentors help to further train and speak wisdom into Melissa’s life and ministry. Further information available upon request


“As a local church pastor, I see a great need for people to connect to the help and hope that only God can provide. As Melissa’s pastor at Calvary West in Davie County, NC, I trust her to make that connection through wise, biblical counsel both for folks in our church and in the wider community. I’m so thankful for Melissa and her ministry, and I recommend her without hesitation!”

Ryan Showalter, Pastor of Calvary West, Advance, NC


“Encouragement, hope, and help – Melissa Baker has come through the fiery trials of life and come forth as gold.  God has wonderfully prepared her to help others.  For many years in our church family and community, the Lord allowed Melissa to come alongside women and teenagers to help guide them to find the spiritual help they needed and to follow the Lord more closely.  If you are in need of spiritual healing or guidance, I recommend you connect with Melissa.”

Scott Wendal, Pastor of Valley Forge Baptist Temple, Collegeville, PA

“It is my joy to recommend Melissa Baker as a guest speaker for a ladies’ special event, outreach, or conference.  The Lord has given Melissa the gift of teaching, balanced by a life of varied experiences and a heart of grace and love.  It has been my joy for over 10 years to see Melissa’s influence on our academy students, singles’ ministry, and our church ladies.  If you are looking for a speaker that will challenge spiritual growth in your ladies, Melissa Baker is prepared by the Lord to influence others for Christ.”

Pastor Scott and Jodie Wendal, 
Valley Forge Baptist Temple, Collegeville, PA


“If you are looking for passionate teaching on forgiveness spoken out of a heart of love in an easy-to-understand message, then you will love listening to Melissa Baker. You will both weep and laugh together as she is totally transparent! And best of all…every thought and every word spoken will bring you right back to the Word of God!”

Pam Coulton, 
Ladies Retreat Coordinator for Tri- State Bible Camp, Montague, NJ


“As a speaker, Melissa openly shares how God has walked her through heart-wrenching losses. Her story is one of grace, forgiveness and the faithfulness of God. She is a living testimony that God’s Word will sustain you in your darkest hours, and her message is packed with His promises. I highly recommend her as a speaker.”

Laura Baker
 (no relation), Widow’s Retreat Coordinator, North Hills Church, Taylors, SC


A word from Melissa: As I asked a few women I have worked with to give references for me, I was humbled and overwhelmed. Truly, God gets the glory for what He does in any of our lives. May these testimonies encourage you that there is no problem too big for God! He has rewritten my life story and the stories of countless others. Rest assured, He can rewrite your story too!

“Melissa is gifted at speaking the truth in love and her style reflects her love for God and her love for people. She is skilled at helping equip counselees to practically apply Biblical principles and truths to specific life situations. In my sessions, Melissa helped me to see more clearly who God is, who I am in light of that, and how I am free to respond to that as a child of God. By the end of our weeks together, I saw tremendous growth in some of the longest-standing besetting sins and struggles in my life. I am so grateful to Melissa for her loving and truthful counsel!”

– Rachel, age 30, Talent Development Specialist


“Ever since I was a teenager, I lived believing the lies others told me about myself. These lies kept me bound with feelings of not being loved; which followed me into my adult life. With the help of Daughter of Grace Ministry, I am better able to distinguish the truth from the lie. Melissa helped me work through the truth and the lies and the grace God has for us all.”

– Debbi, Age 65, Retired Technical Document Technician


“To say I was lost and overwhelmed is an understatement.  In early March 2020 I had a breakdown.  The weight of the world came crashing down one night after Bible study and I felt as though this world might be better off without me in it. My leader connected me with Melissa. Melissa was kind, caring, and so easy to talk to the first time we chatted.  I knew in an instant she was the counselor I needed to help me during this life trial. Melissa helped me see that I had a “Fear of Man.”  She helped me clear my focus into a life focused on pleasing God, living for His glory, and spending more of my time on what really matters. I have been utilizing the tools she has equipped me with and check in on occasion. I love Melissa and am glad that I now have her as a friend.” 

– Rosey, 36, Administrative Assistant, Board of Education


“When I first met Melissa, I was broken hearted and emotionally lost.  My relationship with my fiancé had ended abruptly, and I knew I needed to talk to someone. I needed and prayed for God to direct me to a mature Christian woman who could guide me gently back to the right path. He led me to Melissa. As I opened up to her, I felt loved and cared for and we always went to the Bible to show me the truth. Melissa is such a good listener, she spoke the truth in love, showed me what the Word of God was saying in my situation, and challenged me to think things in a better, more Godly way.  Over time, I began to see my worth in Christ, which renewed and strengthened my relationship with God. I am a stronger person emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically because of biblical counseling. Today Melissa is not just my counselor, but my friend. 

– Joanne, 43, Math Assist Teacher