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Will I trust God today or not? The question demands my attention as it hovers mostly at the edge of my mind, sometimes dead center. The future, the list, the loneliness, the finances, the call, the decisions, the emotions, the fear – it all just looms.

Grace for Life

Letting go of what hinders our healing

God doesn’t want to just use our suffering to help sanctify us, He also wants to use what we bring into our suffering.

A Matter Of Control

Learning to live with anxiety.

When Life Seems Too Hard

We must never lose sight of the fact that no matter how overwhelming our life looks, it is never impossible.


for those left behind: help for healing

For whatever has brought you here, I am truly sorry—for your heartbreak and the tears that line your face. I pray that my words will help bring you healing, courage, and hope.

helping those left behind

Many people have asked me how they can help someone they love who has lost a close relative or friend due to suicide. This is always a challenge to answer. On the one hand, everyone is different. We each respond to life’s pain from the well-spring of our own circumstances, backgrounds, theologies, and personalities. On the other hand, in many ways, we are all alike.

our broken pieces

There is a Japanese legend that mixes fact with fiction and bespeaks a universal truth of hope, perseverance, and a Master who will not give up on any of us.

Taking the box with excitement and carefully opening the wooden lid, he brushed away the straw to reveal a silken drawstring bag. With quiet anticipation, he pulled apart the cords and slid out the object for which he had waited so long. The stillness was palpable.

Counseling Resources

The most significant decision you will ever make, concerns your willingness to follow God’s plan for your life as revealed in the Bible.

Biblical counseling is viewing and seeking to understand the problems we and others have from the practical perspective and wisdom found in God’s Word. It is looking to Scripture to define our problems and develop methods to solving and/or living with them.

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